Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2014-01-29 零下十度 布朗士兩活動 A cold day at Lehman College and Jarome Park Library

14 degrees at Lehman College in the Bronx
after a 2- hour subway ride

Clarence, Director of Lehman College SBDC
He is an excellent leader, event coordinator and helper for the entrepreneurs

Walking through the campus
Music Hall

Thanks to Robyn, Career Coach, NYC Public Library for
coordinating the career fairs and her warm smiles

Thanks to George for connecting me to Robyn

冰點之下 連崩裂的水管水都冰凍成瀑布 這是到地下鐵車站的路上
On the way to the D train Kingsbriege Rd. station
The broken water pipe froze into an icy waterfall