Thursday, May 22, 2014

2014-05-22 白宮亞太裔紐約區活動WHIAAPI NY RIWG Spring Youth Conference

One Bowling Green, Lower Manhattan

7:20am at Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House
WHIAAPE NY RIWG Spring Youth Conference
Everett Lo, SSA is the Coordinator of this event
Community & Social Services Panel
left to right: Gita J. Stulberg, GSA; Edward B. Perry, VA; Cory Chu, Hud;
Ana Maria Garcia, Census Bureau; Ruben D. Gomez, USPS

Three concurrent workshops from 10:30am to 11:00am; 11:00am to 11:30am; 11:30am to noon
Moderator of this panel, Everett Lo, had to leave us to be on the stage

Passing by the Native Museum of the American Indian

Leaving to Flushing Library

2pm-3:30pm "Doing Business with the Federal Government" Seminar for Korean