Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2015-04-28 to11-05 紐約第一班新興領導訓練班The First Class on Emerging Leaders NY

2015-2 As the Project Manager, I started the recruiting process in February
I signed the cosponsorship agreement with 6 organizations.
After the screening, phone intervew and face-to-face interview,
17 businesses were selected from 129 applicants for the NY first class of Emerging Leaders Program.

2015-4-28 The First Class at Federal Plaza Room 3030
The 12 sessions were on every other Tuesday from 5:30pm to 8:30pm

2015-5-26 Session 3
I took my short vacation from 5/14 to 5/25 to Taiwan
because of the class

2015-10-13 Session 11

 2015-10-27 Session 12, the first day I came back to NY.
I took my short vacation from 10/16 to 10/26 because of the class.

2015-11-03 The Final Presentation Room 3006
Teresa helped with the group in Room 3030 after her pizza party

2015-11-05 Graduation Ceremony at Legend West Village
82 W. 3rd St, NY, NY
sponsored by the North America Chinese Association for Science, Techonology and Commerce




World Journal photo
Chiao Bao Daily photo



Thanks to SBA NJ Project Manager, Dominick M. Belfiore, for his guidance and
sharing all the materials he has with me.